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Article Title: John James: The Newsboys Ex-lead Singer Speaks About His Fall And Restoration
Author of reported comment: Richie Cunningham
Comment Date: 00:27 on Apr 16 2008
Comment: As a Christian. Over the year I've come to realize where sin abounds GRACE abounds GREATER and God works powerfully with imperfect people. It is indeed HIS grace which sustains us. We are only our strongest when we remain BROKEN in Him. Life would completely overwhelm us outside of the grace and mercy of His unconditional and relentless LOVE! Often we veiw those in the public eye {entertainment industry} as being invincible ,indestructable, almost Super human. However in truth they are just HUMAN and just as prone to failure and struggle as any one of us . You or me. It is refreshing that after all is said and done Mr. John James can come out and share the details of such a PAINFUL fall from grace. But Never so far the grace of God couldn't rescue him. PRAISE GOD ! I have only the utmost respect for Mr. James. Having the opportunity to share what clearly are VERY personal and private matters to set the record straight. It shows true character and a willingness to completely trust God for the healing process. I feel after reading the interview the honesty and brokeness of his heart is completely aparent. Good for him. God Bless him for being so VERY tranparent. I'm certain this won't just be a personal part of the healing process for Mr. James but for many who having gone through similar down falls. Find the arms of a loving God just waiting to catch them.To fully and faithfully rescue them from the fall. May Gods Grace and mercy and the certainty of his loving infinite compassion be with you all.
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