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Article Title: Betcha Didn't Know
Author of reported comment: Hilliard Davis II
Comment Date: 15:59 on Apr 15 2008
Comment: Greeeeeeeeeeeeeeat! I've been collecting, and enjoying all types of Christian Music for ALLLLL my life. I've wanted this CD since it came out! I had the tape, loved it, my family listened to it along with countless other artists! Seeing this on iTunes!?!?!? Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiice! I've always wondered what happened to you ladies... i'll be following your careers and praying that the Lord blesses you as you've blessed my life, my friends lives and anyone else who listened as i passed by... 'riding with my top down, listn'ing to that Jesus Musik'
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