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Article Title: Larry Norman - 1947-2008
Author of reported comment: Steve
Comment Date: 15:16 on Feb 28 2008
Comment: I only found out the sad news this morning and I was stunned... as I still am now. Okay, it was really little surprise as Larry had been suffering for many years from many things, each of which could have seen us lose him long before. I am glad to say that I saw him in 2001 after 24 years (the last time was at the "Friends on tour" gig at the Dominion in London). I also have the memory of seeing him at the Royal Albert hall in the early 70s, and speaking to, and videoing him at his Greenford gig in 2001. To say I shall miss him is an understatement, he meant so much to me on so many levels. I fully believe that he has left the world a better place for his having been here. Larry, you are finally Home At Last. My family will miss you immensely.
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