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Article Title: Larry Norman - 1947-2008
Author of reported comment: Aaron Ferris
Comment Date: 14:29 on Feb 26 2008
Comment: I was very sad to learn of Larrys death on Sunday. He was a great influence to my music and an incredible songwriter who's passion for the loss was evident to see. I was fortunate enough to have seen Larry Norman live a few times in Belfast and actually met the guy face to face, a true gentleman. As mentioned in the above article, his humour was an important part of the show and always worked a treat in Belfast, a city where he claimed was his favourite place to come. Maybe he said that everywhere but hey, it worked for us! I am sure that Larry has affected and inspired many more to pick up their instrument and serve their Creator, for that I am grateful to such a music legend. My sincere condolences and prayers go out to the family.
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