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Article Title: Daryl Coley: The Gospel Giant Returns After Battle With Illness
Author of reported comment: Min. Keith Burgess
Comment Date: 03:13 on Feb 21 2008
Comment: I had the opportunity of seeing Minister Daryl Coley on a DVD of Donald Lawrence and the Tri-City Singers. I was blessed by the anointing that was ever present on His humble servant. He immediately went into melody and immediately, with the direction of Bro. Lawrence, the preacher "had church". It was awesome! It was my first time seeing him, as well as ever hearing him and I was blessed of God to see how God used him in a marvelous and matchless way. I'll continue to pray for Rev. Coley. I, too, suffer with diabetes, but I live by Isaiah 53:5 which has brought me closer in my walk with God, but I continue to speak life over everything connected to me and don't allow anything negative to be deposited into my spirit. I thank God for you and your contribution for ministering God's Word through Gospel and through the ministry of Jesus Christ!
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