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Article Title: Knowing Who You Are In Christ
Author of reported comment: Alan D Mays
Comment Date: 06:01 on Feb 16 2008
Comment: My Dear Sister In Christ: The article on knowing who we are in Christ is so true. I am a 53 year old man who loves God so much, but like so many, I too struggle with my New Identity In Christ. Knowing is one thing; but Believing is everything. I was raised in such a dysfunctional family, that I still find some of that fruit operating in my life. This is tearing me up so much on the inside that everytime I do wrong, I feel God does not love me anymore, and He has totally rejected me. I do know however that this is not true, but this is the part of my christian walk that I am dealing with the most. I would love to have your prayers for me in this matter. I want to please God so much, it hurts when I fail, because I know I let Him down. God has given me the gift of writing and singing. I want to share this Golden Nugget with you that He gave me after reading your article. I have to let go of my extrinsic way of thinking and doing, before I can ever see the Intrinsic value of who I am, In, Through, and By JESUS CHRIST MY LORD AND SAVIOR. I Hope, Trust, and Pray that God keep you under the shadow of His wings. May God Bless you in all that you do: But more importantly, may all that you do, Bless God. Amen ! Your Brother In Christ, Alan
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