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Article Title: Without Fear
Author of reported comment: Wayne
Comment Date: 21:27 on Feb 8 2008
Comment: Calm the storm absolutely rocks! I lurve the rain/thunder etc and the way this is mixed in to the song. Having listened to this cd a few times now I cudn't understand why the reviewer seemed negative about it so I looked at some of his other reviews and the anser is clear - he shouldn't have reviewed this disc as it is so different to the cd's he has raved about in other reviews (Gospel etc). It's possible that if he has a problem with prominent drums, he probably doesnt listen to the foo fighters etc. I think this should be re-reviewed by someone who likes indie/worship which is how I would categorize this. This isn't a dig at you Simon, I just think your bias is obvious regarding your preferred music and this hasn't fell into that mould for you. I'm not a reviewer as such so I think its unfair for me to try and score this, though I will say I like it and I have been inspired by it. I've even started reading Jeremiah due to listening to Restrain your eyes from tears (track 10)!
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