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Article Title: Remember
Author of reported comment: Doug Robertson
Comment Date: 08:31 on Jan 26 2008
Comment: Bob is a great guy. A man full of faith and fabulous teacher. I got to know Bob personally in Maine and Bob helped me learn how to live strictly by faith and how to maintain peace through Jesus in a difficult time in my life. I still keep in touch although I miss him dearly! Though we live miles apart I am pleased to call him my friend. I just remastered the "Voyages" album which is a compilation of Bob's music from a couple of albums and a new song called: The Adventure Theme. I am praying Bob will allow me to re-release the album. It brings peace to your life when listening knowing that Jesus is still in control and He can see you through even the roughest of sea! Whatever is made off of the release is going directly to Bob for his support in the ministry. The music business is going through a tough time and those who have blessed us for many years are feeling the crunch. This is just a small way that I can say "Thank you, Bob, for loving me and praying for me when I needed it most" You were one of maybe 3 that never condemned me and as a result I am serving the Lord in a greater way today than I ever have...Please pray about recording a new record with us. Your studio time and alike are gratis! Many would be blessed as a result! Love your friend, Doug
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