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Article Title: Trust
Author of reported comment: John J Podmolik
Comment Date: 00:58 on Jan 26 2008
Comment: I first heard Denny's Hiding Place on a sampler tape in 1993, and loved it. But in 1994 I bought his TRUST CD and the song "Jesus, you mean everything to me!" hit me personally - it was my case word for word! I met the Lord Jesus and was born again in March 1992 in Sydney, Australia - that was a long way for a banned blues singer and blues harp player (& graphic artist) in the then Czechoslovakia, which I escaped from in 1981. The Lord sent me on the mission to Czech Republic in 1996 and to complete the Literal Translation of the New Covenant into Czech. I had Denny's Trust CD with me, but it was stolen from me in 2002, and ever since I am trying to get hold of another copy. Can anybody help me, PLEASE??? God bless you John J
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