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Article Title: Kenny Thomas: Soul Singer In A Crazy World
Author of reported comment: Sunny
Comment Date: 07:26 on Jan 21 2008
Comment: I agree wholeheartedly with you, Jeff. The Bible says that we're to stand beside other Christians in unity; that encompasses so many things, but I also believe it means we should support the work of artists like Kenny Thomas who stand for their faith in the Lord and who take the time to show genuine caring toward the fans of their work. I heard about Kenny's music through an Internet radio site, and then read this article about him. Praise the Lord that Kenny is a dedicated Christian and takes the stand he does, and that the choices he makes in recording songs are quality choices! (Even his videos show good taste, compared to many mainstream music videos these days.) The Lord will definitely bless his work and life! I got "Voices" and "The Best" recently, and I've also started praying for Kenny, his family and work, and his witness as he travels, performs, and meets fans. ***Note for Kenny--Your work is really great; keep it up! I stand beside you in prayer, esp. for your father (I've been in a similar spot with my own parents as well). Praise be to the Lord who makes things happen in His time for His glory!
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