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Article Title: The Best Worship Songs... Ever
Author of reported comment: jackketch
Comment Date: 14:03 on Dec 30 2007
Comment: Hi Nenita, think this is what you wanted. Regards Jack (Sorry my typing sucks. As high as the heavens are above the earth so high are Your ways to mine Ways so perfect they never fail me Iknow You are good all the time And through the storm yet I will praise You Despite it all yet I will sing Through good or bad yet I worship For you remain the same King of kings You are the voice of hope The anchor of my soul Where there seems to be no way You make it possible You are the Prince of peace Amidst adversity My lips will shout for To You the Most High You were the One before time began There's nothing beyond Your control My confidence my assurance Rest in Your unchanging word. ©2002 Thankyou Music
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