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Article Title: Hope, A Musical Therapy
Author of reported comment: Darrell north
Comment Date: 04:06 on Dec 27 2007
Comment: Darrell North here. I thought I would comment regarding the purpose behind "Hope, A Musical Therapy". I fought cancer 2005 and 2006. The longest two years of my life and the most inspiring. As God allowed this to happen, He has strengthened me through the process. I wrote the album under the influence of prescription drugs, I'm sure. My health was slowly wasting away and I felt like there was nothing I could do about it. I looked terrible about half way through radiation and chemotherapy treatments. I had two surgeries. Still today, I suffer from the effects of my treatments and surgeries. You know what, I'm still alive and with God's influence in my life, I am able to help others get through their darkest days. The album was completed about midway through the battle and recorded in a Kansas City studio. The album is instrumental with the sounds we all love to listen to in quiet moments of reminiscing and meditating. The sound of wind chimes, trains, wind, rain, thunder, the surf and wolves howling in concert with the music give you a peace you cannot achieve elsewhere. It can put you to sleep or take your mind off of your problems as you relax. If it can do that for you, you have successful healing moments in your day. The album is available through my web site, or if you are a cancer patient at Southwind Oncology in Garden City. If you know of anyone that needs help, turn them on to "HOPE". I thank God for his healing. How else could I effectively mentor other cancer patients? God Bless you music fans and Cross Rhythms. Darrell
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