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Article Title: A Tragic Murder In Zimbabwe
Author of reported comment: fazila
Comment Date: 17:25 on Dec 3 2007
Comment: If, emphasis on the IF, such an incident did happen, I am really sorry for your family's loss. With regard to the statement that more people die in Zimbabwe than in Iraq and Dhafur????! What rubbish! I've just come back from Zimbabwe, the only and biggest problem besides the obvious is, the shortage of food, water and electricity. What the country doesn't need is exaggerated stories being published across the globe. Who do you really think you are harming? If it wasn't for daft comments and stories like these, the Zimbabwean people wouldn't have to work a million times harder than the rest of us just to survive! Zimbabwe is safe, its only unsafe when you start being too vocal, admittedly there's no freedom of speech. Some people are taking advantage of a bad situation to get refugee status in some countries and use things like this or, in this case, if true, tragedies, to their selfish benefit. Your words are ruining a people and not just a country. Forget the President. Start speaking the truth, Zimbabwe is safe to visit, don't go there wanting to 'start a fire', you will get hurt.
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