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Article Title: Without Fear
Author of reported comment: J
Comment Date: 19:29 on Nov 22 2007
Comment: 4 out of 10 is ridiculous. This album has heart, yet the review seems to nit pick some production stuff which I diagree with by the way, and fails to recognise that this is some cracking independant material! We need more bands like this if Christian music is to break out of the box that has lots of other bands sounding 'samey'. I really feel this is a refreshing album and love Kingdom of Heaven - what a great acknowedgement of God as our loving father and of our inheritance! Calm the storm is just way cool and we get 2 versions of Wings to fly which is another great track. Did it ever cross the reviewers mind that independant releases won't have million dollar producers on board? I got this CD 2 months ago and I'm still playing it. My non-christian friends like some of these songs too, so what does that say about this as ministry? Gotta go with the 8 out of 10 too.
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