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Article Title: Luke's Debut
Author of reported comment: Arie
Comment Date: 10:23 on Oct 19 2007
Comment: I am stunned that there are still Christians who have the guts to bring down somebody who is one of our own. It's very important that he pleases God with his album. He himself knows the best whether he gave it all. Crowds are nice and we all know that Hillsongs and other respected gospel artist draw big crowds. But let me encourage Luke if only one soul is touched by your album and gives his or her life to Jesus. Guess what Heaven rejoices. Isn't that awsome. And for those who think it's rubbish I want to encourage to look inside and to your own life and find out what you have established for the Kingdom of God and bring it to the open and we'll see if you can cope when poeple say you're stuff is rubbish.
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