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Article Title: Jonas Brothers: It's these guys, not Busted, who hit in the US with "Year 3000"
Author of reported comment: Jerica
Comment Date: 01:25 on Oct 12 2007
Comment: i <3 the jonas brothers!! i totally loved the concert in richmond at the state fair, you guys did great, you sound JUST like you do on CD!! i was soo impressed!! Nick is probably my favorite so Nick if you are reading this we definitely need to meet at one of your concerts soon becuase we have alot in common and i am only a few months younger than you like 4 months i thinkand i also think that we could actually be really great friends and im not saying this because you are a celebrity because i would love each one of the jonas brothers even if they werent famous because you guys are great godly people i think that is amazing considering you can't really find that in celebs these days. but anyways i hope concert ticket prices go down because i connot afford the $500 tickets that the Hannah Montana/Jo Bros concert costs. ~~i love each one of you..kevin, joe, and nick!!
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