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Article Title: Betcha Didn't Know
Author of reported comment: Jeremy Shorter
Comment Date: 03:16 on Oct 8 2007
Comment: I managed to find two copies of the cd in a little bookstore in Tulsa OK just down the street from the huge warehouse building during a Church of Christ Workshop where my friend is a member (I'm non-D / FG if it matters) and my friend (we were then 26) loved your music, too. I picked up both cd's for like, $3 a piece. It was a find, to be sure, and we were both very happy. We're both 31 now, and we love this music still. I had the opportunity to buy them when they came out on cd back in the early 90s, but I was too young and didn't have a job, so I didn't have money. Needless to say, we were both ecstatic. I can't say enough good things about the cd. Before anyone asks, I'm not willing to part with it... :) However, I suppose if Heather and Kirsten, or the record company, could give me permission, I could burn them for everyone who wants them... I just don't know how to get a permit...but I do have access to the printing stuff if I could get permits... I'd have to charge for the printing stuff, though. :( Anywho.
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