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Article Title: Faithful: The Worship Songs
Author of reported comment: John
Comment Date: 01:10 on Sep 20 2007
Comment: Mark, i think this album is more meditative and sing along. alot of phatfish songs contain so much bibilical truth but not all are sing along worship songs, or albums that you can immerse yourself in. trust me, put this on a loud speaker system and just sit and close your eyes, the music really is stunning. it just fills your mind, alot like coldplay. and in reply to your daughters comment, whats wrong with a band surprising its fans each time. a band that sounds the same on each album is no good for me, i like variety. phatfish, always produce something different every time, which is the beauty of the band. trust me, buy this album if you want a worship album that lifts your eyes to the creator!
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