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Article Title: Streets Of Gold
Author of reported comment: chris
Comment Date: 00:53 on Sep 13 2007
Comment: MY comments concerning The review above are as follows: Firstly,Aeram's songs appeal both to the old and young alike in my View..which is a welcome Relief to me in this age of so much Heavy beats that seems to be THE most popular thing these days..but decent contemporary and inspiring music such as Aeram's songs should be ecouraged and does appeal to both old and young alike..unless the Listener is into either very Old hyms or very ungodly heavy beats such as hard rock,which has Defiitely no place in Worship.. Secondly,The fact Aeram uses the Psalms is to his Credit and a plus rather than a minus..My Estimation is that he is very talented and his style of Christian music is Desperately lacking in the Church today.. Lastly but not least,The comment made by the reviewer above is rather a Strange one especially the Comment concerning "Grampa"was actually insulting to be Honest..i wonder what Style of gospel music does the Reviewer consider positive and inspirational? Chris Moore
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