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Article Title: Streets Of Gold
Author of reported comment: sian ifan
Comment Date: 00:08 on Sep 13 2007
Comment: I have bought and listened ,more than once to this album and one needs to listen more than once to any album to give it a fair critique. Also, of course, it then comes down to individual taste and I wouls suspect that this reviewer is not in to 'Christian rock messages from the heart' compositions. I have seen Aeram Evans in performance and he is a powerful singer, songwriter performer. You are assured of your money's worth when you go and see him entertain his audience. Agape has been composed as a worship album - and professionally done. This album has been produced as an expression of Aeram Evans's own spiritual experiences for the benefit of those wishing to compare, share or learn from those experiences; It was never produced with money grabbing selling merchants or negative disinterested reviewers in mind. In my mind, anyone genuinely wishing to promote the message of Christianity should welcome such an enspiring and powerful album; this review was concietful and pompous, to say the least, and was certainly not in the Christian spirit Readers of the review should buy the album and see for themselves what a 'let down' to the Christian cause this reviewer (whoever he is) is.
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