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Article Title: In Your Hands
Author of reported comment: Ettan Bazil
Comment Date: 01:01 on Aug 3 2007
Comment: Hi, just read Kat's review... nice! Was a pleasure working on the album with Kat, and I agree with Simon that "Behind closed doors" is definitely where Kat's natural stlye leans towards. You can check out a new "Wild" track in a similar style called "In the image" @ - hopefully will be on the second album when Kat's lands her major deal ;-)! On another note, Just to say something about Kat and her music in general; It's rare you find someone that uses their music to give back to the community without having made bucketloads of cash for themselves. It's a shame there aren't more "Kat's" out there using their love of music to help people in need! Your Massive mate!!! E x
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