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Article Title: Life Just As We Know It
Author of reported comment: T. Leicht
Comment Date: 13:32 on Jul 19 2007
Comment: Bill - Don't you remember the 10 commandments? In particular the one about not bearing false wittness? There is obviously a clause that has been attatched to that one that probably goes something like this: "Thou shalt not bear false wittness agaist thy neighbor" ** ** unless you're trying to get public schools to stop teaching science that is backed up by years of compiled evidence, observation, and testing in favor of "creation science/intelligent design" which has no scientific merit whatsoever. Then it is perfectly acceptable to lie through your teeth. Using things such as "scientific language", "quote mining", "circular logic", "strawman arguments", "bold faced lies", bad math, etc., etc. to further your agenda are the preferred methods. Then, when your arguments/claims are thoroughly refuted/debunked/defeated, ignore it and restate those same arguments/claims as if there has never been anyone that showed them to be erroneous/lies/half thruths.
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