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Article Title: Life Just As We Know It
Author of reported comment: wolfdaddy2002
Comment Date: 16:49 on Jul 17 2007
Comment: I have to agree with Sammy, this is an example of Internet culture. Steve, you do not cite any sources for your claims. Nor do you name any names on that list. I am reminded of McArthurs List, "I have here the names of 50 communists working for the United States Government". I also agree with Poetic Liscence, 700 out of tens of thousands is a minority. I believe in Evolution, but I am also a mystic. Mr Maltz, why can't you have Faith and Evolution? To quote a favorite show "Faith and Reason, they are like your feet. Without one or the other you won't get very far." Why must Evolution and Faith in the Divine (however you wish to express it) be mutually exculsive?
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