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Article Title: Like It Is
Author of reported comment: James
Comment Date: 21:48 on Jul 16 2007
Comment: I'm guessing that Mr Hayter hasn't had the good fortune of seeing Truth2tell live. It's true that this mini-album doesn't show them at their best, but it was recorded some time ago and is more an accompaniment to their live set. I'd be hesitant to write off any new band when they're in the development stage - even the Beatles dropped some tremendous clangers on that first record. This is to all intents and purposes worship music, either for participation (Sing Now) or not (Eternity) - and this is reinforced when you see them perform. To therefore describe the lyrics as "the most banal level of the language of Zion" is not only unrelentingly harsh, it's also fundamentally misguided. A bit like saying that Give Me Joy In My Heart is a bit repetitive: technically accurate, but entirely missing the point.
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