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Article Title: Strong Tower
Author of reported comment: David Judkins
Comment Date: 13:47 on Jul 12 2007
Comment: Just to add to the debate, sure, there are many ways you can get into someone's music. Sometimes you come across a band's album, not their greatest, but you enjoy their sound and go on to discover better things. I do however agree with Mike's comment on this album whichis definitely not Kutless' best (after all, he is an album reviewer, so the whole point is that he gives his opinion!!). Just because a band is a 'Christian' band doesn't mean that we shouldn't expect them (as we should do to ourselves) to pursue creativity, identity and whatever 'mission' God has called them to. Unfortunately, in my opinion, the Christian music industry doesn't always encourage this. That said, Kutless DO generally rock! Bring it on...
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