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Article Title: Songs For Hurting Hearts
Author of reported comment: Shelley
Comment Date: 06:02 on Jun 30 2007
Comment: I want to let Heather know that I knew someone just like her. She got saved, she believed that Jesus is Lord. It was just in time before she met an untimely death when she unknowingly mixed alchohol and some medicine. But I know she's in heaven. And I know she has children that stem for her love for music. I can hear my friends life in Heather's music, praise the Lord! A ransacked heart, if ransacked by Jesus will be put in great array. Keep it up kmile. We will continue to look in and possibly support your mission somehow. We do have some possibilities. Of course I have a life story too, but just to keep it short, I'm a musician, by brother's are too. I was very pleased to find a new Christian group, and several outreaches. Thank you sincerely for everything. Jesus loves you always. He really does.
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