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Article Title: Cartoon Breakup
Author of reported comment: Ali
Comment Date: 13:55 on Jun 18 2007
Comment: Totally disagree with the reviewer in this - 3 out of 10 would suggest that this is drivel, and it's not. I'm not sure where the reviewer felt the guitar went flat, but the opening track oozes energy. I don't think the singer is as hit and miss as you claim, with Vindicated playing to the sensitivity the review talks about. What I find odd is the scale of the rating - I follow CR reviews closely, in particular a lot of the UK indie bands, and I can't work out how this gets 3/10 compared to a lot of the other output over the past year. From reading the review (and comparing to other 2,3 star reviews), it's not clear how the reviewer came to the conclusion of such a bad rating. I know that having different reviewers will result in a variation in the scale of ratings given, but I think this is really disproportionate compared light of other reviews. I'm disappointed with the review, and to anyone reading it - ignore it. Up the score by at least three (and add an extra point for Vindicated), and you're in a better ball park.
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