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Article Title: Cartoon Breakup
Author of reported comment: Tim
Comment Date: 16:23 on Jun 17 2007
Comment: I agree with the other two.... totally! You only other rating this bad you have given recently was to David Gibbs so I listened to some of that ep to compare with Cartoon Break up and to put it nicely I don't thing these two eps should have the same rating! I have also noticed that generally you either like a band and give them 7/8 or you dont like them and give them a 4(or sometimes 3!) Sure this ep doesn't sound as good as say Noel Robinson who you gave a 9. But they are an up coming band on a smaller budget and amounts of time. I'm sure prelude understand this themselves but that said it is in no way a bad ep! I would give it a 6 or 7! But you have just decided, because they have more restraints than say Noel, to slate it! Honestly I had a small opinion of these reviews before but now......! I hope you review their latest recording, sometime this year maybe?, and correct the opinion of those few people who actually respect your views! If you have read that review, visit and see what they are actually like! Will end the rant here but could go on and on.... Prelude deserve much better.
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