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Article Title: Amanda Falk
Author of reported comment: Jules
Comment Date: 04:27 on May 23 2007
Comment: i met amanda at history maker, a big youth convention, when she did a hub for the girls. she was talking about how every girl is given an equal amount of beauty from god and if you took every grain of sand from land, deserts, under the sea, little kids sand boxes... that god has more positive thoughts about you than every grain of sand and i just started bawling. i suffered from anorexia last year.. and really have a hard time as seeing myself beautiful in anyones eyes. what she said really touched my heart and made a difference in my life. i can see so much christ in her, and watching her worship and how much she loved god drew me into his presence. when i went up to her and thank her she pulled me into a huge hug and prayed for me and even though she barely knew me and i barely knew her it felt as though she atchually cared about me... could feel my hurt and the emotional baggage i was trying to leave behind.. and i really apreciated it. she is a really encouraging, talented, beautiful, inspiring person and i am soooo blessed to have had the oppertunity to meet her.
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