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Article Title: Red Letterz
Author of reported comment: shaince
Comment Date: 06:36 on May 22 2007
Comment: hello fresh e.i i though you show was very touching and i felt cleaned out of my sins im onley 15 but flet really guilty after your show cuz i had a chance to rap well sing but i turned it down cuz i thought doing other things would be cooler and after hearing you warren project i felt diffrent cuz it felt like you were raping and singing to me and when i tell my friends about how good it felt to learn about jessues they just laugh at me but i want to be diffrent and i know you guys arnt doing it for the fame or to get gurls i want to do what you guys are doing traveling and touching peopls hearts i pray to god every night to help become like you guys well not like you guys cause god dosent need that same people all the time I JUST HOPE YOU GUYS PRAY FOR ME SO I COULD RAP ABOUT JESSUS.. you guys make me feel amazing when i here your music xoxox bye
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