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Article Title: 1979 - Christian Music's Year Zero!: A Personal Reflection by Mike Rimmer
Author of reported comment: Jon
Comment Date: 21:38 on Apr 19 2007
Comment: I've been wanting to respond on this for ages but without writing a thesis. I think 79 was a pivotal year but I think what you are talking about would be the "Golden Age of Greenbelt" from about 79-86 before it lost its focus. I missed 79 but saw U2 there in the early 80s. It was certainly a period when Christian musicians, ATF, U2, Writz, Sheila Walsh, were at the leading edge of music. I'd say year zero was before your time and mine, 1972, and Pye's release of Parchment's Light Up the Fire as a single and album. After that bands, producers and labels struggled to keep up with the fast-shifting fashions of the 70s - think about the time overlap between punk and disco! - but it doesn't mean there was not enormous creativity. It's a genre which has always wrestled with conflicts between creativity and evangelism and more latterly worship songs
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