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Article Title: Armageddon Is Not The End
Author of reported comment: Aaron
Comment Date: 21:28 on Mar 19 2007
Comment: I'll pray 4 you all. God Bless you. I just want to announce to the atheists (spelled right?) if there be no GOD then what is right? Why do we do the right thing? There is no GOD u say so why fear punishment? Live life fully drink, kill, lust, and die happy. There is no judgement. If there be no GOD how did this univerese come to be? An explosion? I never ever saw an explosion create. How did nature know that everything must interact with rverything. How did nature alone know that a drop of water must create ripples and splash just a little. How in theworld could mindless nature create the human mind? No I did not come from an ape. I am a descendant of Adam. 1 reason i believe there are aetheists is that the idea of such grand and epic places such as Heaven and Hell are too comfounding to imagine. We are so worried about waking up, going to work, getting home, going to bed, repeat process next day that the world hears about angels and demons that their brains are like "What?" We must realise that death is not the end. It is ip to us here in this short life to determine where we will spend eternity. heaven at peace with God, angels, and other friends, or Hell with Satan, demons and the rest of those sould crying and in pain forever. These places are real and i know it is hard to imagine. Watch the signs friends. God Bless?
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