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Article Title: John James: The Newsboys Ex-lead Singer Speaks About His Fall And Restoration
Author of reported comment: Faith
Comment Date: 05:19 on Feb 24 2007
Comment: Thank you Mike for this interview. Hearing the heart of John James and seeing God's restoration is very encouraging. We as the Body of Christ need to remember that the artists we listen to need our prayers, not our worship. Yes we can enjoy the music, but it is just This church that helped to mentor and disciple John James and his wife is a very good example of what the Body of Christ should be like. We shouldn't judge people but we should restore people in Christ. Thank you again Mike, for the interview, and to John James for showing us what a man of God is like. Someone with integrity, character and especially a heart that seeks after God! Allow Him to continue to pour through you, His love and compassion for His people/His Beloved Bride.
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