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Article Title: Toby Mac: Portable Sounds, Where Hip-Hop, Rock And Funk Meet
Author of reported comment: Tania Flint
Comment Date: 02:01 on Feb 22 2007
Comment: To me as long as you do all things us unto the Lord he is your judge and jury. It is important to like your song Made to love says that we remember what we are here for not for us but for our loving Saviour and it is only by his grace we breath and live. I have two teenages and it is good to have music that has a good message in it for them to live there lives the way God would have them walking in his truth nots mans. I pray that will be what all Christian artists would seek to do, as it is really hard for our children in this world today to what it was not so long ago. May you know Gods blessing Ephesians ch 1 a great chapter to know whose we. I must say some of the songs on your album are a bit out there for me but my children like them. But I love the Made to love because yes that is what it is about not us. Luv Tania and Tony Flint.
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