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Article Title: Luke's Debut
Author of reported comment: Aj
Comment Date: 00:41 on Feb 21 2007
Comment: I've only got one thing to say... and thats that I love Luke like a brother, easy! Love you too though Pete, O and hey Pagey good to see you keepin it real blood, love your song on myspace. Also John Finlayson is more of a man than my sister will ever be... also i agree with everyone on here all at once even though that would meen i contradict myself quite a bit. O apart from the fact that John has a rubbish taste in music, i saw him eating a rather tasty looking cd of Jason Upton the other day and that guy makes some sweet tasting music. I realise i've not stuck to my one thing so i'll finish this off with the word the word generator is giving me under this post and that is... PIKE! Also i love all you christians out there and if not in this life i'll see you in eternity. Bless!
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