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Article Title: Dealing With Temptation
Author of reported comment: George E
Comment Date: 17:14 on Feb 20 2007
Comment: Regarding the £20 note: when Joseph ran away from the temptation and obviously chose not to sin against God, resisting keeping the £20 note can also be viewed as running away from the temptation of keeping what is not yours. Potiphar's wife did not belong to Joseph but another man's property, though she strongly presented herself to him. Therefore, he resisted her! His conscience focused on pleasing his God instead. Handing in the £20 note will also clear your conscience. Unless, on the contrary; if you were in need of it and therefore the Lord provided it for you in that way. God works in marvellous ways which we do not always see! You will know in your spirit what is of the the Lord (You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free). God will not take from the need of something else to give to you without blessing them in return. What he provide for you will always be legitimate, trust Him. He is the Righteous Judge!!
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