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Article Title: John James: The Newsboys Ex-lead Singer Speaks About His Fall And Restoration
Author of reported comment: G Frith
Comment Date: 17:24 on Feb 13 2007
Comment: This interview adds a lot of perspective. Most of us hardcore newsboys fans simply don't allow for personal failings in the people we admire this much. It's grounding to know they can have spiritual and physical struggles as much as we do, and that they need the grace of God just the same, or more as it seems. I would hope that this interview doesn't turn someone off the Gospel, or the 'boys ministry, but that they rather see most clearly the message of restoration and the will of God to bring John back to repentance and wholeness. I'm going to borrow a comment from another newsboys fan, "being a wonderful person is not being perfect or never sinning, but rather one who takes responsibility for their sins and repents when they do." John really is a wonderful person. Onya mate!
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