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Article Title: John James: The Newsboys Ex-lead Singer Speaks About His Fall And Restoration
Author of reported comment: Verne Bullock
Comment Date: 13:49 on Feb 11 2007
Comment: John James is just a brother in Christ, a fellow traveler on the road of redemption and his story is probably no different than most of us in the body of Christ. We all fall short of the Glory of God and we all find ourselves doing and being other than Christ- like. If we were to fullfill the Law of God in Christ Jesus and confess our sins, one to another, it would be joyously apparent that there are no vessels on earth for Him to take up residence in, other than sin-full to the core - covered in the Blood - Spiritual Beings having a human experience, longing for the day when we leave this body of sin and death and meet Jesus face to face. Then, and only then, will we be like Him...In the meantime, as my pastor Don Williams told me, "Verne...God isn't sitting up in Heaven, biting his fingernails wondering how he is ever going to finish the work he started in you." "He has it all figured out, and He will complete it!" And, I believe it... Those of us who have been the object of peoples worship, who have allowed ourselves to become somebody...must surely become nobody, that we might become is time to put down our idols and worship the King. He alone is worthy of worship...
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