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Article Title: What Else Can Go Wrong
Author of reported comment: stephanie robinson
Comment Date: 01:52 on Jan 25 2007
Comment: I am a recording as well, this comment has nothing to do with this ablum and I humbly ask you for a 1000 pardons. But it have everything to do with the great willie mitchell!! He has been , from my understanding, the fellow musician of my dad charles hodges and my uncles mabon and teenie. He might not even know about me and this might be another shot in the dark but one i must once again take. Mr. Hodges has 6 grandchildren that can't wait to meet him. The music that i'm involved with can be veiwed on IF YOU CAN HELP ME PLEASE DO SO. I Can be seen on the above address with two other females Known AS E-RUSHAN. THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIME.
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