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Article Title: Luke's Debut
Author of reported comment: shaun
Comment Date: 17:24 on Jan 21 2007
Comment: I went to a mens weekend up in Glasgow last June and Luke was up there leading worship. I found a couple of the songs brought real healing to my life. Luke told me that they were planning to re-record the cd because they weren't happy with the quality. I disagree with any people who say it's rubbish. It's obvious that the quality isn't great but that doesn't make it rubbish and Luke seemed genuinely disappointed by it, which surprised me. There are a couple of naff tracks on the album but there are also naff tracks on some of the Hillsong United albums. Luke has a different style to Hillsong, they're both totally different, I can't believe some of you are comparing the two. there is no doubt in my mind that Luke Finch is anointed. Luke Keep going dude, I think you're a real blessing!!
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