Westminster Cathedral Choir - Victoria: Missa Dum Complerentur

Sunday 1st June 1997
Westminster Cathedral Choir - Victoria: Missa Dum Complerentur

STYLE: Choral
RATING 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
LABEL: Hyperion 66886

Reviewed by John Irvine

Tomas Luis de Victoria was the greatest composer of the Spanish golden age of polyphonic music in the 16th century, although his musical output was relatively small when compared to composers such as Palestrina and de Lassus. Quality rather than quantity seemed to be his watchword - he adopted a very critical attitude to his music, much of which he constantly revised between successive published editions of his works. Unlike other composers who wrote for the lucrative market in madrigals and secular music, Victoria wrote wholly and exclusively for the Church. An ordained Catholic priest, every note Victoria wrote was intended for Divine Worship. Stylistically, his use of "accidentals" and peculiar and original counter harmonies set him apart from his contemporaries, showing a very high level of inspiration and musical craftsmanship. His music was considered daring in its day, though not too daring: it was still deemed suitable for use in Cathedral services. In an age when many Catholic composers were towing the party line in the wake of the Counter Reformation and reforms in church music, Victoria's music stands out as both unique and passionate. The 'Missa Dum Complerentur' is no exception. This is the ultimate chill-out music: immediately one is surrounded, submerged and infused with the purest and most passionate vocal lines imaginable, cleansing the heart and purifying the soul. Everything is perfect in this performance by the choristers of Westminster Cathedral - who see every recording they make as an extension of the work they do during services of worship at the London Cathedral - and they inject not only a sense of genuine worship but also a strange balance of piety and passion into this recording. Utterly essential listening.

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