Reader Comments
Hello Dave,
Just a short note to say Many thanks for your beautiful Comments and thoughts. I'm still kicking,
Just returned from Ireland , We did a festival there In Aug. 2nd and 3rd. Sold many Cd's surprised every one. Including me. Lol.
Then we went back for a tour for 8 days. here two weeks total, Still serving The Lord too. Going to Ark. tomorrow for a Gospel meeting SEast Of Springdale. then On to Okla where I'm to perform a wedding
for one Of my Nephews sons . Feel free to e-mail me at any time If I can help yu any way.
Thanks again....................Vernon Oxford
i met vernon in tootsies orchid lounge in 1967 i thought he was the best artist of his style around. i toured with him for awhile then i left before any of my songs were recorded. vernon good luck in all you do and god bless your every endeavor it was a pleasure to have been in your good company take care