Veggie Tales - Where's God When I'm S-Scared?

Friday 1st December 1995
Veggie Tales - Where's God When I'm S-Scared?


STYLE: Childrens
RATING 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
LABEL: Everland Entertainment 8015203694
FORMAT: VHS video Music video

Reviewed by Tim Roberts

This stuff is excellent! I thoroughly enjoyed watching this video, and I'm 23! The basic concept is to have computer animated vegetable characters (Bob the tomato and Larry the cucumber turning in notable performances) in musical, cartoon style episodes which have a Christian message. The first on this tape (this tape being the first in the series) is Tales From The Crisper' in which a five year old asparagus naughtily watches a Frankencelery movie and gets scared! Thankfully, good old Bob and Larry come to the rescue and teach Jr that God is bigger than the boogey-man. Amen! Preach it brother! Larry gets a solo spot of silly songs that Mrs Asparagus rudely interrupts before the second and final short story, "Daniel And The Lions Den". Will Larry (as Daniel) survive the night in the Lions den after being thrown in according to King Darius' (aka Mr Asparagus!) new law? I think we all know the answer to that one but it's still brilliantly done and totally absorbing. The animation is all done on computer and is superb, not quite Disney but not far off. The characters are perfect for the age range (3-8 years) and there are only one or two 'Americanisms' the British kids might not get. Quality factor is high and enjoyment factor is off the scale! Both kids and teachers will laugh themselves silly, especially the bit where Frankencelery (alias Phil Winklestein, a badly payed celery stick from Toledo!) appears in Asparagus Jr's room! Awesome!

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