Twila Paris - For Every Heart

Twila Paris - For Every Heart
Twila Paris - For Every Heart

RATING Not Rated
LABEL: StarSong SSD8102
FORMAT: 12 inch vinyl Album
RRP: £4.99

Reader Comments

Posted by Don in state of Delaware @ 21:47 on May 25 2011

This would be the last Twila recording that I would find on classic vinyl pressing. I had heard ccm radio play the beautiful title song "For Every Heart"; this is the sound of Twila we have grown familiar with:it is definitely the album's highlight song! The wonderful album producer Jonathan David Brown & top ccm songstress Kelly Willard provide bgv's for the title song: thus it gains its highly praised status! Thank you Twila for this beautiful heart connector. "Mt.Nebo"
is the perfect follow up instrumental to"For Every
Heart". The echoing harmony vocals of Twila and her top notch producer Jonathan accent "True Friend".
"I Will Never Go" is another top lp favorite; great bgvs for the song: it is 5 1/2 minutes of great Twila sound! I love Twila's & Kelly Willard's vocals on side 2
starter "Neverending Love"; this is top ccm material!
We all need the song "Peace Be Still"; it is sung at its best as only Twila can do. Once again Greg X. Volz is recruited for bgv's for some songs on this album;"He is No Fool" is one of those #'s: inspite of its lengthy play of 6 1/2 minutes, it is worth the listening time.
The album closes with 2 great anthems"YOU Have Been Good" has words that we should never forget! GOD IS GOOD!! And let us not forget that all is "For The Glory of the LORD"; this song soars to Heaven!
Earth is blessed with the music of Twila Paris.
GOD Bless! - Don

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