The Nobodys - Songs From The Daily Grind

Wednesday 1st April 1998
The Nobodys - Songs From The Daily Grind
The Nobodys - Songs From The Daily Grind

RATING 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9
OUR PRODUCT CODE: 16825-3208
LABEL: Independent

Reviewed by Mike Rimmer

With a name like the Nobodys, you'd expect some sort of very loud alternative rock band, wouldn't you? Instead you get acoustic pop from Scott Riggan and Ben Bauman who make a melodic sound matching their harmonies and simple guitar with some understated percussion to help things along. Light and breezy sounds disguise a set of songs that have depth and thought. "Rebuild Me" is a musical prayer for God to "bring your wrecking ball." If you heard the wonderfully catchy "Talk About Love" on the 'Mindy's Revenge' compilation, then you'll be pleased to hear that this six-track mini album is more of the same. Produced by Randy Thomas "Where Mercy Lives" examines the power of mercy, love and forgiveness; "Always In My Heart" is a compassionate lyric reaching out to a friend who has fallen away. These are earthy songs of reality not simply theology as theory but rather spiritual wisdom lived out. On the basis of these 'Songs From The Daily Grind'. The Nobodys have a chance to impact lives with their message and move souls with their strong pop sensibilities and gentle music.

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