The Martins - Above It All

Monday 1st March 2004
The Martins - Above It All
The Martins - Above It All

STYLE: Southern Gospel
RATING 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
LABEL: Spring Hill CMD1044
RELEASE DATE: 2003-11-07
RRP: £9.99

Reviewed by Tony Cummings

The Martins have roots in Southern gospel but in recent years have been pursuing the pop gospel market. To aid them in their quest they have a veteran producer who well knows the demands of American Christian radio (Phil Naish) and one of the best guitarists ever to plug in his guitar for a CCM session (Jerry McPherson). Add to three quality voices that can do the bluesy thing (“Above It All”), the folk/country thing (“For Your Love”) and the pop rock thing (“What Mercy Means”) and you get a slick album. Hipper tastes may find this blandly formulaic, but others may perceive ‘Above It All’ as Nashville at its classiest.

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Sample Track Listing:
1. What Mercy Means [Listen]
2. Above It All [Listen]
3. For The Love [Listen]
4. The Promise [Listen]
5. I Can't Help Myself [Listen]
6. In The Arms Of Someone Who Loves You [Listen]
7. Dear God [Listen]
8. As Far As Faith Will Take Me [Listen]
9. Glory Days [Listen]
10. Somebody Give Me A Stone [Listen]
11. The Lord's Prayer [Listen]
12. Sing Me Home [Listen]

This track data is supplied by the Cross Rhythms CD/DVD review library. Please note that CD tracks may vary according to release region or product version.

Product Description
Featuring the music of The Martins.

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