The Donut Man - Rob Evans - Active Time Songs

Tuesday 1st April 1997
The Donut Man - Rob Evans - Active Time Songs
The Donut Man - Rob Evans - Active Time Songs

STYLE: Childrens
RATING 5 5 5 5 5
LABEL: Just For Kids 10063
FORMAT: VHS video Children/youth
RRP: £8.00

Reviewed by Sammy Horner

American accents aside (and since these are from the USA we can't really hold it against them). Mr Evans has really caught the attention of many American sprogglets with his Sesame Street style approach of teaching/worship. My biggest quibble is the material -I just don't understand why we have to suffer the same ol' stuff over and over again ("Cast Your Burdens" and "God's Not Dead"...oh dear!), especially when this is the work of quality guys like Don Moen. Please give us some new material for our wee 'uns. mate! Anyways, younger viewers will probably appreciate the 'Activity Songs' vid.

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Reader Comments

Posted by Judy Grayburn in Leeds @ 21:49 on Jun 20 2010

Do you have the 3 Mr Donut Songbooks CD@s? Unable to buy from usa site as england not in drop down menu. Would appreciate help with this

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