The CAUSE - Do Something Now

The CAUSE - Do Something Now
The CAUSE - Do Something Now

RATING Not Rated
LABEL: Sparrow TFS001
FORMAT: 7 inch vinyl Single
RRP: £4.99

Reader Comments

Posted by Don in state of Delaware @ 10:29 on Mar 20 2015

As of this year, the participants of this once hi-lighted
event that occurred in June 1985 are 30 year vets of
the CCM industry and most have succeeded above 30 years. Well known names associated with CCM,
Steve Camp & Phil Maderia are responsible for this
well earned recognition song. wtg guys! God Bless!
Nearly 100 artists made this song happen and caused it to accomplish it's task to feed the hungry.
If you haven't seen the video, it is on youtube, don't miss out seeing it, all of the soloists have their video
spot. I tell ya, you cannot watch the video and not
walk away untouched. GOD bless all of those who
were involved with the project, it was a projection of
true christianity for the world to see.
And we have lost some along the way since, and
now Heaven rejoices with Dana Key, Jesse Dixon,
Larry Norman (and anyone I missed).
There is a 12", a 45 and a vhs for this song, I have
been blessed to have all 3 in my CCM library of music.
GOD Bless, Don
ps. Thank you to Maxine of Crossrhythms who ever
goes beyond her call of duty fulfilling artists lists.

The opinions expressed in the Reader Comments are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms.

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