Steve Green - For God And God Alone

Steve Green - For God And God Alone
Steve Green - For God And God Alone

STYLE: MOR / Soft Pop
RATING Not Rated
LABEL: Sparrow WINGR530
FORMAT: 12 inch vinyl Album
RRP: £4.99

Reader Comments

Posted by Don in state of Delaware @ 17:07 on Feb 26 2014

Found a great copy on cd for this Fall 1986 release.
Cd's were on the rise and more popular to purchase by 1988. Reason for CD sales is that, they were sporting extra tracks because of limited space on vinyl pressing.
Glad to have classic ccm on cd, too bad this cd didn't
give any extra tracks. God Bless, Don

Posted by Don in state of Delaware @ 17:49 on Dec 6 2010

I have this on the original vinyl release; what a collection of songs! Side 2 has the two songs heard on ccm radio; and favorites of mine also. The songs are first, the 2 minute "Let us Praise the Almighty"; just luv it!! and the beautiful duet with his wife Marijean called "Household of Faith". Listen to the words to the title song "GOD and GOD Alone"; thank you for such a great song Phil McHugh: a perfect song to hi-lite Steve's vocals. I really like the uplifting song "Higher Ground"; some of the backing vocals for the album include First Call (great backing vocals for many a song in ccm); Bev Darnall, Steve Taylor, Gary Driskell, and Paul Lynch (Paul was a member of pop 70's group The New Seekers); ( just to name some).
Gary Driskell & Mike Hudson wrote the noteworthy song "We Have Seen GOD's Glory":a masterpiece!
Mike Hudson also had a hand in writing a song on
Amy Grant's debut; the timeless "The LORD Has a Will". "Calvary's Love" is another song that is worth complimenting:"The deepest sin can't rise above, Calvary's love". The album ends with a 2 minute melody called "You Want to...Now Will You". Every Steve Green listener/CCM collector should have this album in their collection. GOD Bless! -Don

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