Rob & Gilly Bennett - The Touch/Such Love

Thursday 1st June 2000
Rob & Gilly Bennett - The Touch/Such Love
Rob & Gilly Bennett - The Touch/Such Love

STYLE: Ambient/Meditational
RATING 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8
LABEL: Kingsway KMCD2252
RELEASE DATE: 2000-03-17
RRP: £14.67

Reviewed by Philip Croft

Just as secular music has Status Quo, so it is that CCM has its own artists and styles that are guaranteed to remain the same forever. One such style is the easy listening instrumental collection of favourite hymns and choruses. There are many on the market and almost all of them would make perfect but irritating background music to play in lifts. Occasionally, though, just occasionally, along comes something that is actually worth listening to. 'The Touch' and 'Such Love' by Rob And Gilly Bennett are reissues of two classic albums now released as a low price (£15.99) double album. Both albums have been around for some time now and have sold over 100,000 copies between them, which would be a reasonable number even for a secular album. Granted, the husband and wife's classical guitar stylings aren't to everyone's tastes but their deft renditions of Christian evergreens do provide a pleasant spiritual atmosphere. 100,000 Christians can't all be wrong!

The opinions expressed in this article are not necessarily those held by Cross Rhythms. Any expressed views were accurate at the time of publishing but may or may not reflect the views of the individuals concerned at a later date.

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Sample Track Listing:
1. We Worship And Adore You [Listen]
2. Just Like You Promised [Listen]
3. In Through The Veil [Listen]

This track data is supplied by the Cross Rhythms CD/DVD review library. Please note that CD tracks may vary according to release region or product version.

Reader Comments

Posted by Antonino in Italy @ 22:56 on Dec 18 2006

I would like to purcase the CD "The Touch" of Bob and Gilly Bennet. There is some possibility? Plese let me know

Posted by Yee @ 18:50 on Oct 18 2006

Is this cd still available as I would like to purchase them ? If not, please inform where can I get hold of them.

Any ideas how do I get in touch with Rob & Gilly Bennett as I would like to purchase their classical guitar sheet music in respect of their albums "The Touch, Such Love, Be Still and I Will Seek Your Face.

Many thanks,

Reply by John in USA @ 04:46 on Sep 15 2010

Long shot here - did you ever find a way to get the sheet music for the CD's?

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